Curation Costs Exchange (CCEx) beta version website launched

The 'Curation Costs Exchange' (CCEx) website has been launched as a beta version by the 4C Project. The CCEx is an online community platform for the exchange of curation cost information. It enables knowledge transfer and cost comparison. The CCEx uses the costs data it gathers to provide automatic generation of results for the purposes of self-assessment, cost comparisons with peers and insights into the financial accounting and activity costs of other organisations.

"The value we can all derive from the CCEx depends entirely on the willingness of oragnisations to share their cost data, and on the understanding of the benfits that sharing will bring about," said Alex Thirifays of the Danish National Archives (DNA). "The more costs are shared, the more we can all learn about making smarter investments in digital curation."

Beta testing will take place between 12th August and 15th September and will involve invited testers, but the 4C Project welcomes feedback from all.

In order to take part in the CCEx beta-testing visit