DPC Briefing Day: 'Halcyon On and On: Emulating to Preserve'

The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) are holding a briefing day on emulation in York on 22 June 2017. Emulation has steadily grown in acceptance as a key tool in ensuring access to digital data. It's strength lies in recreating some of the original context in which digital data was first created and accessed and its ideal for addressing complex interactive content. But it's also seen as a complicated, technical and often confusing approach. So what is emulation? How does it work? How can you put it into practice? And where will this technology take us in the future? Halcyon On and On: Emulating to Preserve seeks to answer these and many more questions on this rich preservation topic.

Registration is free for members of the DPC and £275 for non-members. There is a limit of 3 places per member (incl. consortia and membership organisations) and these will be available on a 'first come, first served' basis. Additional registrations will be accepted but will be placed on the wait list until registration closes a week before the event, at which time they will be distributed equally amongst members.

Read more and register